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ALC Athletics

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River States Conference

Hall of Fame

Below you will find a listing of all of the previous inductees of the ALC Athletic Hall of Fame. Please click on their names to learn more about their athletic career. (Please note, those inducted prior to 2005 have no biographical information at this time.) 

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Bob Braden1987Baseball2003
Jack Calhoun1992Baseball2011
Douglas Clark2003Baseball2016
Doug Coots1986Baseball2008
Scott Cornett1989Baseball2003
Jamie Couch1995Baseball2005
David Hatfield2007Baseball2019
Jeff Humphrey1984Baseball2006
Jon Jett1994Baseball2012
Randy King1987Baseball2004
Jeff Lovely1993Baseball2012
Steve Miller1991Baseball2014
Jerry Nantz1995Baseball2013
Bobby Dustin Ratliff2003Baseball2017
Danny Rice1988Baseball2004
Kenneth W. Sexton2004Baseball2009
Jason Smith2006Baseball2015
Todd Stevens1994Baseball2005
Cavanaugh Trent1999Baseball2007
David Vicini1984Baseball2006
Nehi West1991Baseball2005
Lamar Williams2009Baseball2018
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