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Since January 2nd, Mrs. Kate Bentley’s kindergarten class has traveled the globe! Stopping at many famous places, they tasted countries’ finest foods, participated in their arts and crafts, and learned about their heritage and ways of living. With passport in hand, the Kindergarteners traveled the buildings – only to enter a classroom that had been transformed into their new destination! Each day offered a unique adventure! Stopping by the Eiffel Tower to create a masterpiece, or dancing with their friends in India were just a few of the many things they encountered throughout this unit. Once their passport was stamped and they headed back home, each child made a special stop by Dean Amanda Clark’s office for a quick picture. Dean Clark was delighted with the children’s enthusiasm. “There are so many lessons that need to be taught that you cannot find in a book. Mrs. Bentley does an excellent job working with each child. She provides them with not only an amazing education based on content but one that allows them to use their imagination to take them anywhere in the world.”